Brazil Sitio Penha
Producer: Various Smallholder Farmers in Huila
Altitude: 1200-2000m
Variety: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia
Processing Method: Washed
Cup Profile:
Sugary, sweet & tart with lots of praline flavor, caramelized sugar, chocolate
8.00€ – 30.00€
Altitude: 1400-2100m
Producer: Cauca, Tolima, Antiquia & Eje Cafetero
Variety: Several Colo,bian Varieties
Processing method: Fully Washed
Cup Profile: Apple, Dark Chocolate, Almond, Brown Sugar
FARM: Smallholder Farms from Gotiti kebele
ALTITUDE: 1950-2000m
VARIETY: Heirloom
METHOD: Natural
Cup Profile: Chocoltate, Peach, Creamy
Producer: La Bendición estate in Las Flores
Altitude: 1500m
Variety: Parainema, Lempira
Processing method: Washed
Cup profile: Strawberry, apricot, orange, black tea, with complex floral undertones
Farm: Nyeri Hill Farm
Altitude: 1800m
Variety: Sl 28, Ruiru 11, Batian
Processing method: Fully Washed & sun dried on raised beds
Cup Profile: Sweet orange, pergamont, tea like, chocolate
11.00€ – 42.00€
Farm: Wahgi Valley, Western Highlands
Altitude: 1500-1800M
Producer: Smallholer farmers
Variety: Arusha, Bourbon, Typica
Processing method: Washed
Full and clean cup, very delicate taste and caramel feeling. An interesting mix of flavors of ripe tomatoes, cane and citrus.
Farm: Finca El Estribo
Altitude: 1500m
Variety: Bourbon, Costa Rica
Processing method: Washed
Cup Profile: Citrusy orange, smooth milk chocolate, tropical pineapple nectar
Producer: Various Farmers Delivering to Huehuetenango
Altitude: 1400-1600m
Variety: Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Pache
Processing method: Fully Washed
Cup profile: Stone Fruit, Winey, Apple, Dark Chocolate
Farm: Gitwe 275
Altitude: 1760m
Variery: Red Bourbon
Processing Method: Honey
Cup Profile: Red currants, raisin, toffee, dark chocolate, marzipan & grapefruit